Sketcher ConstrainAngle/ro

Constraint InternalAngle

Menu location
Sketch → Sketcher constraints → Constrain angle
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Constrain distance, Constraint Perpendicular



Constrângerea de unghi este o datum constraint având ca scop fixarea unghiurilor unei schițe. Este capabilă să definească pantele liniilor individuale, unghiurile dintre linii, unghiurile de intersecții ale curbelor și deschiderile unghiulare ale arcurilor circulare.

Cum se folosește

Sunt patru căi diferite pentru ca această constrângere să fie aplicată:

  1. Liniilor individuale
  2. între linii
  3. asupra interesecțiilor curbelor
  4. Arcurilor de cercuri

See also: Drawing aids.

Continue mode

  1. Make sure there is no selection.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the tool:
    • introduced in version 1.0: If the Dimensioning constraints preference is set to Single tool (default): press the down arrow to the right of the button and select the Constrain angle option from the dropdown.
    • If this preference has a different value (and in version 0.21 and below): press the Constrain angle button.
    • Select the Sketch → Sketcher constraints → Constrain angle option from the menu.
    • introduced in version 1.0: Right-click in the 3D view and select the Dimension → Constrain angle option from the context menu.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: K then A.
  3. The cursor changes to a cross with the tool icon.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Select two lines.
    • Select a point and two edges (in that order).
    • Select an edge, a point and an edge (idem).
  5. If a driving dimensional constraint is created, depending on the preferences, a dialog opens to edit its value. A negative value will reverse the angle direction.
  6. An Angle constraint is added. If a point and two edges have been selected, up to two Point to object constraints can also be added. See Examples.
  7. Optionally keep creating constraints.
  8. To finish, right-click or press Esc, or start another geometry or constraint creation tool.

Run-once mode

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select a single line.
    • Select a single circular arc.
    • Select two lines.
    • Select a point and two edges (in any order).
  2. Invoke the tool as explained above.
  3. Optionally edit the constraint value.
  4. An Angle constraint is added. If a point and two edges have been selected, up to two Point on object constraints can also be added. See Examples.


Single line

Constrângerea stabilește unghiul polar al direcției liniei. Este unghiul dintre linie și axa X a schiței.

Single circular arc

In acest mod, constrângerea fixată unghiulară a unui arc circular.

Between two lines

În acest mod, constrângerea stabilește unghiul dintre două linii. Nu este necesar ca liniile să se intersecteze.

Between two edges at point

The angle between the two edges at a given point is fixed. The point can be any point, e.g. the center of a circle, the endpoint of an edge, or the origin, it can belong to either or both edges, and it can also be a Point object. If required Point on object constraint(s) are added to ensure the point lies on both (extended) edges. These additional constraints are called helper constraints.


Constrângerea Unghiulară poate fi creată cu macros și de la consola Python console utilizând următoarele:

# line slope angle

# angular span of arc

# angle between lines

# angle-via-point (no helper constraints are added automatically when from python)


  • Sketch este un obiect tip schiță
  • iline, iline1, iline2 sunt numere întregi specificând liniile printr-un număr ordinal in Sketch.
  • pointpos1, pointpos2 should be 1 for start point and 2 for end point. The choice of endpoints allows to set internal angle (or external), and it affects how the constraint is drawn on the screen.
  • geoidpoint and pointpos in AngleViaPoint are the indexes specifying the point of intersection.
  • angle este valoarea unghiului în radiani. Unghiul este contorizat între vectorii tangenți în sens antiorar. Vectorii tangenți indică de la început până la capăt liniile (sau invers, dacă punctul final este indicat liniar) și în sens antiorar pentru cercuri, arce și elipse. Cantitatea este, de asemenea, acceptată ca un unghi (de exempluApp.Units.Quantity('45 deg'))

The Sketcher scripting page explains the values which can be used for iline, iline1, iline2, pointpos1, pointpos2, geoidpoint and pointpos and contains further examples on how to create constraints from Python scripts.